Masterclass: Creating A Miracle Morning Routine!

Creating A Miracle Morning Routine!

Your morning routine will make or break your day. The first feeling, emotion and thoughts you experience in the morning will be how you will feel, act and react for the rest of the day UNLESS you choose to change your mindset. 

So the first hour of the day is crucial to keep positive and productive.  

Introducing MIT”S (Your Most Important tasks) I Suggest at the end of every day you write down your MIT’S for the next day. Your MIT’S will consist of the 3 most crucial tasks you NEED to get done that day so the needle moves forward tomorrow. 

It’s time to create your morning routine. Write down if there was no one or nothing holding you back from living your DREAM morning. What would it look like?

Fill in the following:

Wake up time: (Keep consistent daily. Your body is like a clock and it it gets used to waking up at the time time every day)

1st Hour of the day: (MITS)

2nd Hour of the day: (Get some sun and move your body)

3rd hour of the day: (Get ready for your day)

Make sure these are in your calendar on recurring daily. We want this morning routine to become a HABIT. 

You will have so much more time for the things that matter you wont know what to do for yourself.

Be sure to download the 30 Days 30 Habits Masterclass booklet for daily action taking!

30 days 30 habits exercise book.pdf
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