Workshop: How To Find "Your People"
Do you have people around you who continuously try to bring you down?
Are you constantly hearing negativity and being criticised?
Do you feel judged by your own friends and family?
If the answer to all of the questions asked above is a yes, then it’s high time you update and reassess your inner circle.
Your internal happiness does not come from what others think about you, say to you, or believe who you are. Yes, kind words and positivity will bring happiness every time, but only on the surface level. In practicality, you are your own hero.
Once I started becoming comfortable in my own skin, being okay by myself, and accepting the real me, my perspective of life took a new turn. I found and made new friends; the people I knew would encourage me, share the same mindset, and share the same level of spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional connection.
Positivity is contagious; we absorb the energies from other people. Not to sound “woo woo,” but I believe each kind of energy vibrates at a different frequency. Therefore, we also attract people in our lives that vibrate on that same positive or negative energy. If you surround yourself with positive people, you too have to vibrate that positive energy to attract like-minded others.
Here are a few things to remember:
Don’t Change Your Goals, Change Your Company
“Surround yourself with people that reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel, energies are contagious!”
-Rachel Wolchin
Delete the Toxic Voices
“Better be alone than in bad company.”
-Thomas Fuller
You need to start hanging out with people who bring out your best version and help you prioritise life the right way. They are the real MVPs. Your true friends and family love you more than you think. They are the ones who tell you when you are losing your way. They care enough to have those difficult conversations that most people avoid.
So, choose your company wisely. Be relentless with surrounding yourself with those who lift you; your entire direction in life depends on it. Moreover, remember, while you are at it, have the nerve to be a good friend to those who choose you!
Want to surround yourself with like-minded people? Join the 30 Days to Happiness community on Facebook. Let’s keep each other accountable to live a happier life!